Every human is worthy of love.
— Allison Corcoran

Allison CorCoran

lpc Associate

Supervised by Jill Tucker, LPC-S

Hey there, finding the best-fit therapist is sometimes the hardest part of getting started in therapy, but that’s why you’re here: to find a therapist you will feel supported by in your healing journey.

Scroll down, take a look around, and get comfy; here’s a bit about me:

I work with children, adolescents, young adults, and adults, and while I have a lot of clients who are in different life phases, one thing tends to ring true for each of them: they want to feel less weighted by the voice that spins in their head, break past their fears, and start living a life they love.

Anxiety looks different at different ages: for kids it could be acting out when they are unable to identify the emotions they feel deep within or maybe they struggle with separation anxiety, for teens, it could manifest as avoiding situations that make them uncomfortable, and for adults, it can manifest as overachieving, rules about the way we live, or people pleasing.

No matter what phase you are in, I want you to know it’s possible to feel ease and finally feel like you can take a breath. You are worthy of love in every moment, and you don’t have to be perfect and healed to receive that love.

When I’m not in my office with clients, I’m going to the beach, traveling, reading, and watching TV and movies.

I love the smell of fresh flowers, the look of vacuum lines, early morning silence, intentional prayer, and the feeling that comes with burning candles. I am a foodie at heart and love baking.

One of my greatest talents, outside of the therapy room, is that I can successfully watch all of the Harry Potter movies in one weekend. It’s a challenge I will accept every time.

If you’re ready to get started, hit the button below to schedule a free 15-minute consult.