Read this when you feel down and like you have no skills to offer the world

It seems like everyone has a skill, something they are good at.

They share it on Instagram and Tik Tok. They get likes and money, and everything they do seems valuable. It often leaves you wondering how you add value to the world. What do you do that brings value to others? You don’t have a skill that you post on social media.

You aren’t an influencer. You don’t have anything tangible to show what you have to offer others and the world.

You often feel stuck and find yourself constantly wondering, “Am I worthy and valuable enough if I don’t have a tangible skill to offer?”

Typically we equate hard skills to value. If we can do x, we will be valuable and consequently rich. We often don’t think that soft skills like being kind or patient will make us rich or valuable. We think we have to write the most amazing words or be the best at dancing or kicking a soccer ball—a skill that is more tangible. But while being kind doesn’t directly make us rich, it is important.

You can be great at what you do, but if you are mean to everyone around you, who cares about the skill?

So no, you can’t take a picture of your kindness or empathy or how well you listen to your friends and put it on Instagram. You can’t always capture the ways you positively impact others. But those are the skills that make this world a different place. They are intangibly more valuable than dancing well or singing a song.

Yes, they are the skills that we can’t see and we often don’t acknowledge them, but they are valuable, even if people can’t like them on social media.

So put your tangible skills on parade, show them off on your social media feed, but also nurture the soft skills that will make a lasting difference. Because those are the skills that will make the world a better place.

Jessica Haskell